Zumma Marble 2: Zumma Revenge

Zumbla Marble is ready. Let's play Zumba Revenge & enjoy marble volakas

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Phiên bản 1.0.2
Cập nhật vào 2024-06-07
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Google Play ID com.nogame.zummamarble
Lượt tải 100+

Tổng quan Zumma Marble 2: Zumma Revenge

Welcome to Marble Shoot games (Marble Game Free World). Hi "Zumma Marble 2: Marble Shooter, Marble Games for Kids", we also know by famous name is Zumma Marble. Shooting Zuma bubbles is an extremely familiar game, classic, easy to play - easy to hit, attached to many people's childhood. Shooting Marbles can help players train their eyes about fast speed, relax!

How to play Zumble Game (Zumba Classic):
- Let's select level, let's play: On the round, gunner will release each marble: yellow, blue, red, purple, orange ... Your mission is shoot current marble to the string to make at least 3 marbles in color, marbles will automatically destroy, until there are no balls left on the round, you complete game. Otherwise, you will lose (over game) when you do not destroy all the balls on the round, these balls fall into the HOLE (target of moving marble).
- Passing each level you will increase your level, complete all 500+ levels to see the fun.
- Many kind of level, we has level with single marble string, double marble string (marble duel), boss prevent levels, collection marble color levels,... let's beat all of them.

What's Marble (marble balls) version special?
- With constant marble game updates to perfect the current version with cheerful colors, easy to see, beautiful art,.. become Marble Legend!
- Marble puzzle structure: 500 levels, the difficulty level of each level will increase gradually with a longer, more zigzag track, more balls, faster time… to stimulate players faster – and faster. The faster you complete the level, the higher the number of gold.
- After each marble game level, you will be able to open lucky gift boxes: Hearts, gold (more or less), and sometimes BOOM item, DESTROY item. Depending on your luck, the gift box you can open is what!
- At the same time, after each marble game level, if you complete, you will be added gold & stars (1-3 stars) depending on the completion time. Conversely, if you do not pass the level, you will be lost your LIVE. Don't worry, the level is "light" to inspire play.
- Another great thing for me is the lucky reward GOLD, with each spin you can try your luck to get: 200 gold or 400 gold, DESTROY, BOOM, LIVE. Good luck with your spin.
- Special sound (marble game background, hit marble, explosion marbles, timeup, win marble game,...) is an equally attractive thing.

What can help you complete marble (Marble Mission) level faster?
- Use DESTROY item: helps you to break marbles without having at least 3 marbles of the same color on the ground.
- Use BOOM item: Boom's destructive power will be higher than DESTROY, one time will explode many marbles on the round.
- Try to make explosion after explosion, they will rollback.

Some notes when playing marble blast gold game (zumbla classic):
- Time to complete each marble level: 1.5 minutes - 4 minutes.
- The number of marbles depends on each level of play, but the number of marble colors is 7 including: red, yellow, orange, blue, purple, green, black.
- When you marble blast games is lose or quit game and run out of LIVEs (basic you have 5 LIVE - full fill state), if run out you can watch ads to get reward LIVE or shop to continue.
- Some levels has 2 marble string, let's focus on the nearest, try best to prevent them to near to HOLE (zumba frog game nest).
- Swicth the marbles color, in Gunner (Marble King) you can see small marble and big one TAP on him to switch the color to make best shot.

What is the best version of Marble Shooter Game now (trò chơi zuma)?
As a familiar and classic game, good or not will depend on the suitability of the player, you can try many different games like: Jungle Marble Blast, Violas Quest, Free Zumba Deluxe, Zuma Revenge,... If you do not want to spend too much time, you can immediately choose NOGAME Marble.

Thank you for reading, download Marble Shooting now!

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Vâng, Zumma Marble 2: Zumma Revenge tuân thủ các yêu cầu của Google Play để đảm bảo an toàn sử dụng trên thiết bị Android của bạn.

File XAPK là gì? Nếu file Zumma Marble 2: Zumma Revenge tôi đã tải về là định dạng XAPK thì sao?

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XAPK là 1 định dạng tệp, bao gồm file APK độc lập và file dữ liệu khác (ví dụ như file tài nguyên cần thiết của game lớn). Tác dụng của file XAPK là cho phép lưu trữ riêng file dữ liệu ứng dụng trước khi cài đặt ứng dụng, nhằm quản lý và truyền ứng dụng lớn một cách hiệu quả. XAPK sẽ giúp ích cho việc giảm size file cài đặt của ứng dụng. Người dùng vui lòng cài đặt trước trình cài đặt ứng dụng XAPK trên điện thoại, sau đó cài đặt file XAPK qua ứng dụng này. Còn nhiều hướng dẫn, vui lòng truy cập link dưới nếu cần: https://apkcombo.com/vi/how-to-install. Mà nếu trên PC, chỉ cần kéo giữ và đưa vào tab giả lập LDPlayer là được cài đặt dễ dàng;

Tôi có thể chơi Zumma Marble 2: Zumma Revenge trên PC?

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Vâng, bạn vui lòng cài đặt giả lập Android LDPlayer trên máy tính, sau đó kéo file APK đã tải về sẵn vào LDPlayer là sẽ được chạy Zumma Marble 2: Zumma Revenge trên PC. Bạn cũng có thể khởi động giả lập LDPlayer và tìm kiếm, cài đặt và sử dụng ứng dụng hoặc game bạn cần.

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